You should be logged on your VDI as student.
Open a Firefox browser tab and navigate to Github MQonCP4i.
Click Code and select Download zip.
Click Save file radio button then click OK.
Open a terminal window by double-clicking the icon on the desktop.
Enter the following command to see the zip file you just downloaded.
cd Downloads
Enter the following command to unzip the downloaded file:
Move the unzipped directory to your home directory with the following command:
cd mqoncp4i-main
mv MQonCP4I/ ~/
This will create the directory /home/student/MQonCP4I. Change to your home directory and list the contents of the directory to verify that it contains MQonCP4I.
cd ~/MQonCP4I
ls -l
Now first we will need to change the mode to executable for all the scripts. From the MQonCP4I directory run the following command.
find . -type f -iname "*.sh" -exec chmod +x {} \;
Now we will change to the setup directory to run the script that will create all the install scripts for your userid.
cd setup
ls -l
Now run the You will use your student id that was given to you from the instructor.
Note: In this example we are user student1 so would use that as the namespace and 01 as the student id.
Great! You are now ready to start working in the MQ and Kafka labs.