IBM Integration PoT Labs Home page

IBM APP-Connect


The labs are grouped under varies Experience and in each Experience, you will see various labs. We will cover both the ACE Toolkit and ACE Designer to build integrations. We will be creating Event flows and APIs with Designer and then import them into APIC.

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Lab Abstracts

Subject Description
Toolkit Experience Basic PING flow with Toolkit This is a basic toolkit lab that you will create a simple Ping flow and then test locally and deploy to the ACE runtime in CP4I. We will also show how to distribute workloads using IBM App Connect Enterprise Callable Flows.

Environments and Perquisite: For these labs you will need to use the VDI. It is best to login to the Cluster from the VDI.
SalesForce Experience Multi-Style Integration with IBM App Connect and IBM API Connect the SalesForce experience Create no-code integrations using IBM App Connect and expose and manage the APIs created with IBM API Connect. We will also show the value of Event Driven flows to react to events in backend systems.
ServiceNow Experience Multi-Style Integration with IBM App Connect and IBM API Connect the ServiceNow experience Create no-code integrations using IBM App Connect and expose and manage the APIs created with IBM API Connect. We will also show the value of Event Driven flows to react to events in backend systems.